The state government will issue you a licence, but you must adhere to the conditions set by the law. When it comes to licensing, you must be aware of the rules and regulations.Our team of experts will assist in smooth flow of registration process.
Before you can apply for a license for your pharmacy, you must meet several conditions. You must have a carpeted area of at least 10 square meters. You must also have an independent shop that has a refrigeration unit for certain drugs. In addition, you must have the right kind of premises to sell pharmaceuticals. The state government will issue you a licence, but you must adhere to the conditions set by the law. When it comes to licensing, you must be aware of the rules and regulations.
or retail and whole sale pharmacies, the requirements for obtaining a drug licence depend on the region you are operating in. The requirements for a retail license are slightly different. You must be able to show that you have a physical address in the state where you will be selling your products. You must also be registered as a pharmacist to sell prescription and over the counter drugs. You must have a pharmacy licence in order to sell these medicines.
There are many steps involved in getting a licence, including an application process. The process starts with registration, and once your registration is approved, you will be given a unique registration number. Once you have this number, you will need to submit your application to the Drug Licensing Authority within 15 days. If you have already registered for a business, you may want to check your state’s website for licensing requirements.
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The minimum area prescribed in the state to start a
Drugs Controller General (India), Central Drugs Standard Control Organization(CDSCO), Ā Directorate General of Health Services , Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India , FDA Bhavan, ITO, Kotla Road, New Delhi -110002Ā
An Application in Form 44 under rule 122 B along with Fee Challan of Rs. 3,00,000 and Dossier as per Second Schedule of ā The New Drug and Clinical Trial Rule 2019ā
Ā If the application is complete in all respects and information specified in Schedules D-I and D-II are in order, the licensing authority shall, within nine months from the date of receipt of an application, issue such Registration Certificate in From 41. has been a one-stop solution for any business or entrepreneur looking for a lawyer, chartered accountant or company secretary. Over the past Ten years, the depth of our offerings, connection with reliable professionals, affordable prices and customer satisfaction has made us the largest online facilitator of legal services in India. We have already served over 30000 customers and have a steadily growing network of over 100 professionals from all the major cities (particularly the metros of Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi and Kolkata)